
Literature and history warrior lets old photographs tell Beitou’s story

2015/12/23 09:09
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Through his collection of old photographs and documents, a passion which spans many years, Beitou expert Yang-ye (楊燁)  has put together an outline of Beitou’s former glory years. Back in 1993, Yang-ye established Hongye Studio, which initially focused on drawing up tour maps. He started collecting photographs while conducting interviews for fieldwork in the area, where elderly residents would often allow him to duplicate their old photographs.

Later, he began visiting the recycling plant to collect any old photographs that people had discarded, buying them back by weight; he is also often seen strutting through flea markets trying to dig out buried treasure. He has recently been commissioned to write a book on the literature and history of Beitou, and will no doubt continue maintaining the same zeal for this subject long into the future.

Literature and history warrior lets old photographs tell Beitou’s story 



文史小兵楊燁 用老照片話北投





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