
Liu Rui-long overcomes disability to begin a new life in carpentry

2015/12/15 11:24
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Liu Rui-long (劉瑞隆) has been working as a carpenter at Taoyuan’s The Carpenter's House Caring Center (木匠的家關懷協會) for over 4 years. He suffered an accident 35 years ago and has been confined to a wheelchair ever since. With a physical disability and getting on in age, he continually hit a brick wall while looking for employment. In his sixtieth year, however, Liu Rui-long came to The Carpenter's House, where he was given a job opportunity that enabled him to use his own strength of character to give back to society.

Through regular carpentry training classes arranged by The Carpenter's House and a great deal of help and encouragement from workmates, Liu Rui-long has slowly rebuilt his self-confidence and began taking pride in his work. At The Carpenter's House he has found new self-worth and a place to settle down. No longer hindered by his physical disability, nowadays he looks forward to the completion of each and every new piece of creative woodwork.

Liu Rui-long overcomes disability to begin a new life in carpentry 









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