
Giving kids self-reliance at Lian Xin Yuan

2015/12/15 11:20
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At Lian Xin Yuan Shelter Farm (蓮心園庇護農場) in Tainan, children with developmental delays gain self-confidence and happiness through producing all of the fruits and vegetables used at the shelter. Lian Xin Yuan not only provides a high-quality shelter environment, it also inspires self-reliance in the children. Through meticulous planning at the shelter, children learn farming skills and receive monetary work incentives, but perhaps most importantly, they make friends and find happiness.

Established in 2013, there are currently 11 students on the farm at Lian Xin Yuan. The shelter spares part of its earnings as a bonus commission to students according to their personal performance review – the rest is given as a group bonus. In this chemical-free, eco-friendly environment, disabled people who are unable to enter the workplace can learn new skills, and receive training in interpersonal skills and independent living. In the hope of providing happiness and holistic rehabilitation, therapeutic gardening courses are being designed for disabled people and the elderly.

Giving kids self-reliance at Lian Xin Yuan



蓮心園的孩子自力更生 影音






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