
Citizen journalists arrested again – How to defend press freedom?

2015/11/20 11:00
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On November 7, hoards of people marched on Taipei Songshan Airport to protest over the Ma-Xi meeting. Amongst the protestors were two citizen journalists conducting a live news broadcast. When the police began arresting protestors at the scene, the two citizen journalists provided documentation of their press status to the police.

However, despite the fact that another journalist was allowed to leave the scene by the police, the two citizen journalists’ press status was dismissed and they were arrested. If time had been spent understanding citizen journalists, it would have revealed that they spend their own time and money buying equipment and conducting live news reports simply to help people better understand the true situation of various topical issues. Concerns have been raised that the arrest of these two citizen journalists for “inappropriate and illegal behavior” will produce a chilling effect on future frontline reporting. 

Citizen journalists arrested again – How to defend press freedom?


公民記者再度被逮捕 記者如何維護新聞採訪自由







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