
Fu Jen volunteers care for 39 stray dogs

2015/11/10 17:28
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Come rain or shine, each student volunteer in Fu Jen Catholic University’s stray-dog team spends between 1 and 3 hours each day caring for 39 stray dogs. The team diligently maintains a feeding journal, allowing volunteers to better understand the health condition and development of the dogs.

Taking care of such a large number of animals and providing a friendly environment for them is no easy feat and has only been possible through the long-term dedication of volunteers and a great deal of communication with the school, improving the situation bit by bit to the present state.

To help heighten visibility and understanding of the dogs and build a positive image for them, the volunteers have also spent a great deal of time creating a campus map, which marks the roaming ground of each dog and has QR codes that link to video introductions. The love of these volunteers is a touching display of showing respect for each and every being. 

Fu Jen volunteers care for 39 stray dogs



輔大志工 愛心照料39隻校狗


輔仁大學有一群關懷流浪動物志工學生團隊,不分寒暑,每天都花上一到三小時照顧校園裡的39隻狗狗。用心的為牠們記錄餵食日誌,除了了解生活狀況,也方便掌握校狗們的動態。照料如此多數量的狗狗,並為牠們建造友善的生活環境,其實一點也不容易。這都全靠學生志工們長時間與學校溝通,一點一滴爭取回來的。為了讓更多人看見與了解狗狗,志工們還花費心思製作了校狗地圖,標記校狗們的出沒,也設計了QR code連結校狗的介紹影片,希望藉此幫狗狗建立正面形象。志工們的愛心付出,讓我們看見了尊重每一個生命的感動。



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