
The ophthalmologist fighting blindness and attending to the eye needs of country folk for decades

2015/11/10 17:21
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In a small and shabby room in the countryside, Mennonite Christian Hospital ophthalmologist Hsu Ming-Muh (許明木) and his eye care health prevention team are busily preparing to conduct eyesight tests on the elderly. Using large clips and black cloth to block out the light from the windows, the team only require some simple tables, chairs and electric fans to transform churches, schools and lounges into temporary clinics. 

A winner of this year’s prestigious Medical Dedication Award, Doctor Hsu Ming-Muh has been practicing medicine in the rural communities of eastern Taiwan for over 10 years. Armed with just a simple ophthalmoscope and retinoscope, he provides free clinics in rural areas where medical treatment is inconvenient, and has solved the eye problems of countless elderly indigenous people.

With no opticians in rural areas, let alone the facilities to test the eyesight of children, Doctor Hsu places a great deal of importance on children’s eyesight. He said that eyesight is paramount in a child’s learning, a fact too often neglected in rural areas. Doctor Hsu has been holistically caring for children and the elderly for over 10 years, focusing on not only correcting eyesight problems, but also showing real concern for each and every individual. 

The ophthalmologist fighting blindness and attending to the eye needs of country folk for decades 









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