
A corner the government is failing to take care of – “King of the Hoodlums”

2015/11/05 12:01
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PeoPo推 0

You Rong-kun (尤榮坤) humorously refers to himself as “Three Hoodlums”, because of his three “troublesome” impediments. In addition to a visual impairment, You Rong-kun also has impediments in his hands and feet. He used to be a street performer and give lectures, but due to our ruthlessly competitive world, the work has slowly dried up, and this year he failed to secure even a single performance.

Apart from a younger brother in the south of Taiwan, he doesn’t have any other relatives by his side. However, because he jointly owns the apartment that his brother lives in, and his brother does not have the financial resources to buy the apartment outright, You Rong-kun does not quality for financial assistance from the government. Currently, You Rong-kun relies on a warmhearted student to help him buy lunch.

Although there are a great many eateries in his local neighborhood, for You Rong-kun and his three “hoodlum” impediments, the streets are full of obstacles and it is no easy feat for him to get around. 

A corner the government is failing to take care of – “King of the Hoodlums”



政府照顧不到的角落 三重幫老大





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