
Giving stray rabbits a home

2015/10/27 13:38
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The ease in which pet rabbits can be obtained has made them an attractive choice to many young people, resulting in a serious stray rabbit problem in Taiwan. Being on the lower rungs of the food chain and without strong survival instincts, the outside environment is a place full of threats for rabbits, and their chance of survival is slim.

In a bid to address the plight of stray rabbits on our streets, many animal welfare associations such as Taipei’s “Love A Rabbit (愛兔之家)”, have been endeavoring to rescue large numbers of stray rabbits. In order to ensure that rescued rabbits are not subjected to the torment of secondary harm, Love A Rabbit conducts face-to-face interviews with anyone wishing to adopt the animals, to first ascertain their thinking and basic knowledge with regards to rabbits. The main hope of the organization is to help find a loving home for each and every rabbit. 


Giving stray rabbits a home







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