
Stones from 100-year-old city wall unearthed in Taipei’s former Huaguang Community

2015/10/22 11:07
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PeoPo推 1

Recently, during the construction of a drainage ditch in Taipei City’s former Huagunag Community, which is currently undergoing urban renewal, Taipei New Construction Office Public Works Department unearthed 130-year-old stones from a city wall dating back to the Qing Dynasty; at the time, the majority of such andesite building stones came from Jinmian Mounain in Neihu.

“The Remains of Taihoku (Taipei) Prison Walls Cultural Heritage Protection Alliance (台北刑務所文資護育聯盟)” view this as new evidence of cultural heritage in the area and have sent official notice to the Department of Urban Development and Department of Cultural Affairs demanding an investigation and emergency meeting, as well as a the immediate temporary halting of the construction project in accordance with Article 30 of the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act. 

Following a survey by Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs Cultural Heritage Division on October 6, it was confirmed that "Huaguang Ancient Watercourse (華光古水道)" was worthy of cultural heritage status and a consensus reached on its preservation,  all parties agreeing that the watercourse should be exhibited in an appropriate manner. On October 13, Taipei New Construction Office Public Works Department invited cultural groups to the location where Huaguang Ancient Watercourse was unearthed to discuss a construction design that would allow the watercourse to be “covered, yet remain on view to the public”.

Huaguang Community was formerly the site of Taihoku (Taipei) Prison during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, which was built using stones from the Qing Dynasty Taipei city wall; the north wall was designated as a cultural monument in 1998. From this latest discovery, it is clear that stones from the ancient city wall were not only used to build the outside walls of Taihoku (Taipei) Prison, but also used in the foundations of official residences, and even the sewers, which means that the ancient stones were used extensively throughout the whole of the prison settlement.





Grating put over ancient Huagunag watercourse and explanation board erected 

Stones from 100-year-old city wall unearthed during construction of drainage ditch in Huaguang Community 

Cultural heritage investigation of Huaguang watercourse constructed from ancient city wall stones 




華光社區雨水道工程 挖出百年台北城牆石







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