
Community dream of Dashu “Energy Mother”

2015/09/24 10:09
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This year, Huang Hui-zhu (黃惠珠), who was born and raised in Kaohsiung, won the title of “Energy Mother (活力媽媽)” on Mother’s Day. Huang Hui-zhu has been promoting tourism in Dashu for numerous years, and believes that the area needs to provide tourists with more places of interest, agricultural products and culture, as well as more specialty foodstuffs. With the aim of providing young people from the area with job opportunities so that they can settle down in their hometown, Huang has put a great deal of thought into strengthening community industries.

However, even with funds provided by Fengshan Community College (鳳山社大), Dashu still lacks a suitable meeting venue. Fortunately, Taiwan Railways Administration recently decided to tender bids for the rent of the former staff dormitory and adjoining land across from Jiuqutang Station. When Huang Hui-zhu, who is known for her determination and bravery, heard that the dormitory was available for rent, she approached friends to raise a lump sum of money and rented the premises. Although she has taken on a heavy financial burden and faces many challenges ahead, her dream community is materializing before her eyes, one step at a time.  


Community dream of Dashu “Energy Mother” 








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