
“R.O.C” lost in Hong Kong

2015/09/24 10:01
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PeoPo推 1

From September 4 to November 15 this year, the University Museum and Art Gallery in Hong Kong is holding “The Republic And The Sino-Japanese War (民國與抗戰)” exhibition, entitled “Mountain’s Ablaze (烽火山河)”, which commemorates the 70th anniversary of China’s victory in the Second Sino-Japanese War. Though the exhibition displays a large selection of historical artifacts from the period 1912 to 1946, the country’s official title at the time, the Republic of China, fails to get a mention. In Hong Kong, the Republic of China seems to be a taboo, and even this historical exhibition has raised disputes over political censorship.

In fact, in many of Hong Kong's public spaces such as tombstones and Tuen Mun’s Zhongshan Park, you can still see the footprint of the Republic. Upper Lascar Row (摩羅上街) in Central District, is another great place to look for traces of the Republic of China, but the best place to find remnants of the former dynasty is on antique coins, paper ads and books.

Tourists frequently stroll around the University of Hong Kong’s campus, but very few have visited the “The Republic And The Sino-Japanese War” exhibition. A war poster with the words “Viva the Republic of China” emblazoned across it may perhaps provide a sense of déjà vu for Taiwanese visitors in Hong Kong, but the Republic of China has undoubtedly become a faraway memory, consigned to museums, parks and antiques markets.

“R.O.C” lost in Hong Kong









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