
Girl makes solitary walking tour of Taiwan

2015/09/09 09:53
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Ever since the release of “Island Etude”, countless people have enthusiastically embraced the dream of making a tour of Taiwan. Some people choose to tour the island by car or motorcycle, some by bicycle, and a few choose to do travel on foot. However, a girl walking alone around the island is even more of a rarity. Around two months ago, Huang Wen-Hui (黃文慧), a student studying at National Dong Hwa University’s Department of Education, began a walking tour of the island. She said that though the first week was very hard and she was on the verge of giving up, she forced herself to persevere. Along the way, she has been given a great deal of food and refreshments by local people, allowing her to experience the warm-heartedness of Taiwanese people first-hand.

En route, she has engaged in some sightseeing, stopping in Lanyu, Little Liuqiu, and a number of other scenic spots. Fifty-two days after her departure, she finally arrived at Fuli's Luoshan Village in Hualien County. In just two more days she will arrive back at Dong Hwa University, completing her solitary walking tour around the island - an achievement worthy of much applause and encouragement.

Girl makes solitary walking tour of Taiwan 









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