
The reasons for homelessness – “Homeless Taiwan”

2015/08/25 14:49
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PeoPo推 0

Sitting in front of the bustling Longshan Temple (龍山寺) in Taipei City’s Wanhua District (萬華), Bangka Park (艋舺公園) is a place where homeless people often congregate. Mainstream society often stereotypes homeless people as gamblers, drunks, idlers and slackers etc., but actually, if people took the time to get to know them, it would become apparent that each and every homeless person has a unique and fascinating story to tell. Though the majority of homeless people have also seen good times in the past, for reasons ranging from industrial injuries to just plain bad luck, many find themselves navigating through incredibly rough times without any real support, and eventually hit rock bottom.

Homeless Taiwan” is a group of front-line volunteer workers serving the homeless in Taiwan. In 2014, the group officially launched an expansion drive, implementing homeless self-reliance programs like Hidden Taipei (街遊), an alternative walking tour that employs ex-homeless people as tour guides. The tour provides tourists with not only the history and culture of the area, but also the gritty life experiences of the tour guides from their days living on the streets.

The reasons for homelessness – “Homeless Taiwan”



街友之所以為街友 芒草心慈善協會






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