
“IYouAma” - old Jiaoxi family home handed down through the generations

2015/08/18 11:35
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PeoPo推 1

28-year-old Huang Xuan-Yi (黃萱儀) was born and raised in the natural environment of Yilan. A few years ago, musically talented Huang Xuan-yi returned to her hometown of Jiaoxi determined to transform her grandmother’s family home into a center of culture and creativity. After three long years and the help of more than 50 young people in the renovation work, “IYouAma” was launched on April 1 of this year. 

Hand built by Huang Xuan-yi’s grandmother and grandfather in their youth, the old brick building has 80 years of history behind it. Through the diligence of Huang Xuan-yi, “IYouAma” was awarded with the Ministry of Culture’s 2013 “Community Culture Cloud Services Innovation Initiative” award, and this year, she was invited to become the director of the village aesthetics exhibition in Jiaoxi Township. This will provide Xuan-yi with many more opportunities to interact with partners from different townships and villages, establishing links and providing access to many more resources. 

“IYouAma” - old Jiaoxi family home handed down through the generations 



礁溪游阿嬤藝站 老厝的世代傳承






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