
Qingshui residents resist industrial park amid concerns for 70 hectares of farmland

2015/07/15 11:43
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In the era of Jason Hu (胡志強), Taichung Economic Development Bureau began plans for Qingshui Industrial Park (清水產業園區), a proposed 243 hectare development – equivalent to three times the size of Taichung Metropolitan Park – just 3.5 km from Gaomei Wetlands (高美濕地). The plan has ignited resistance from many local residents who believe that the money would be better spent on developing local farming and protecting the environment. On July 5th, Anti-Qingshui Industrial Zone Alliance raised the ‘Guard our Farmland, Save our Wetlands’ music concert. The alliance’s president, Hong Jian-sheng (洪建盛), said such incidents would not be confined to Qingshui and that he hoped the music concert would raise awareness for this important issue. 

After taking office, new Taichung Mayor Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍) continued with the former plan to build an industrial zone in the north of Qingshui District. The first phase of the development covers 86.1 hectares of land, 84.3% of which is made up of farmland and orchards, covering 68 hectares. The development plan indicates that it will introduce two major businesses to the area - a metal products manufacturer and a machinery equipment manufacturer – providing an estimated 5,000 job opportunities and an influx of people.

Hong Jian-sheng indicated that the reason for Qingshui’s name (which literally means “clear water”) is the abundant supply of clean groundwater. Should this groundwater get contaminated, not only will water for the irrigation of agricultural land be a problem, the domestic water use of local residents will also be adversely impacted and at risk. With as much as 300 hectares of undeveloped land owned by around 12 industrial parks in Taichung, Hong Jian-sheng calls into question whether we want to give industrial parks more land to lie barren and unused, or to provide productive agricultural land for farming?
After intense public pressure, Taichung Mayor Lin Chia-lung publicly expressed in the media that he would listen to public opinion before deciding whether or not to continue with the development. However, the temporary cancelation of Taichung Economic Development Bureau’s Qingshui Industrial Park - Phase 1 Development Meeting, which was originally scheduled for the 16th of last month in Qingshui Activity Center, provoked harsh criticism from members of the Anti-Qingshui Industrial Zone Alliance, who berated the government as insincere.

In an attempt to clarify the situation, the city government came forward to say that the meeting had been canceled for fear that protesters would come to muddy the meeting’s focus; the government stressed that in the future it would cooperate and consult with the Department of Agriculture.

Qingshui residents resist industrial park amid concerns for 70 hectares of farmland



胡規林隨?憂70公頃農地消失 清水人反設工業區





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