
Hairstylists provide “compassionate cuts” to residents at Hongjia Care Home

2015/07/15 11:32
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Residents at Tainan’s Hongjia Kickstart Care Home (鴻佳啟能庇護中心) have been waiting eagerly for the arrival of a group of hairstylists. Hongjia is home to people with learning disabilities, and director of the home, Shen Shu-hui (沈淑惠), explained that as the residents are unable to go outside unaccompanied, they are in real need of financial support; therefore, every couple of months compassionate members of the public provide free haircuts. This month has been supported by three teams of hairstylists cooperating together – Japanese-style AK Hair Salon, Double H, and Asuka. All of the residents at the home looked delighted as the sported their new hairdos. 

One of the stylists, Sam, said that he’s been volunteering his services at such events for the past five years. Many things can appear easy and normal to us, but in fact in every corner of society there are many people who need the assistance of others. These compassionate cuts provided to Hongjia ensure that the residents will enjoy a more refreshing summer vacation.

Hairstylists provide “compassionate cuts” to residents at Hongjia Care Home





在台南市的鴻佳啟能庇護中心,有一群大孩子正等待著髮型設計師的到來。鴻佳啟能庇護中心的沈淑惠主任表示,鴻佳是一群智能障礙者的家,在這裡的大孩子們因為外出不便、經濟上需要協助,因此每一到兩個月會有不同善心人士來進行義剪。這次的義剪是由三個團隊共同合作,分別是 AK日式造型沙龍、Double H、 Asuka 亞舒卡等團隊們。換了新髮型的大孩子們皆顯得十分高興。

髮型師 Sam表示,以前都有在做義剪,目前已經從事義剪五年了。許多事情在我們眼裡是稀鬆平常的,但其實在社會的各個角落中,仍有許多人需要其他人的協助,愛心義剪帶給鴻佳的大孩子們一個更清爽的暑假生活。 



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