
Alice Choir learns from abroad

2015/07/15 11:19
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Taipei Alice Choir consists of about 40 female members averaging 63 years of age. All the women joined the 3-part female choir because of their passion for singing, and with such amiable personalities, they have become like sisters. Though the choir members are all just simple women without formal voice or musical training, under the rigorous year-round tutelage of professional conductor Chen Chih-Jen (陳志仁), accompanist Hsieh Hsin-Jung (謝欣容) and assistant teacher Lin Zi-chen (林子程), the choir’s proficiency has gone from strength to strength.

In addition to regular weekly practice sessions and countless performances over the last 15 years, the choir has also been invited to perform in places like Houston, Oakland and Beijing etc. In the International Chorus Innovation Competition at Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival in October 2014, Alice Choir plucked up the courage to participate and not only won bronze medal in the Senior Citizen’s Group, but also won the Hanguang Awards for Poem Chanting and Best Creativity.

Following their success, this singing-crazy group of grandmas and moms stepped up the pace of their unremitting practice, and in June 2015 travelled to the Philippines where they participated in an international choir competition. Months before the departure date, the group had already begun to strengthen their practice by doubling the practice time to two 5-hour sessions weekly, and even enlisted the help of a choreographer. At the festival, Alice Choir performed the war resistance song “Song of Azaleas” which brought the house down, demonstrating that all their hard work had not been in vain. 

Alice Choir learns from abroad









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