
Youth songs of the senior citizens

2015/07/07 18:03
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Coming together from 6 care centers across Chiayi County, including Dongshi (東勢), Lunding (崙頂), Yuemei (月眉), Xibei (溪北), Dalin (大林), and Damei (大美), a total of 270 senior citizens with an average age of 80 years old have been performing music and stories from nursery rhymes, love songs, working songs and country songs from the 1950s to 1980s. Though reading is a great challenge for many of these senior citizens, they refuse to be disheartened and continue to strive forward making hand-made stage props and putting on top-quality annual performances.

Putting on such performances requires continual rehearsals at the care center, and the ability to make a whole host of stage props by hand, including hanging rice dumplings and bows and arrows, etc. Though practicing and memorizing the actions and songs for such performance is no easy feat for this group of lifelong friends, the performance provides them with a stage on which to share their golden years, and is also a wonderful opportunity for families, friends and darling grandchildren to come and enjoy together. It is hoped that such performances will encourage many more businesses and members of the public to come forward and invest in care efforts for the elderly.

Youth songs of the senior citizens





嘉義縣長青活力站,東勢、崙頂、月眉、溪北、大林、大美六站270位平均80歲以上長輩,表演40至 70年代童謠、戀曲、打拼、農村曲音樂故事,長輩們即使識字困難,藉由硬聽硬記,還親手做舞台道具,希望以絕佳表演,帶來一年一次的表演。




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