
Endless love – Dancing for fatherless children

2015/06/24 11:44
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On June 6 this year, a group of women that play a whole range of roles in society, from family members and workers, to grandmothers, mothers, daughters and granddaughters etc., raised a public performance called ‘Never Ending Love’. Through igniting their own inner fire, the group helped shine light on others, displaying their own innate beauty through dance. 

The group’s brilliant 22-dance tight-knit performance lasts 2.5 hours, and includes belly dancing, Indian dancing, jazz, popular music videos, American cheerleading, and modern dance; the performance climaxes to a driving rhythm as the curtain falls. The group’s dance coach, Sun Meng-Ping (孫夢平) said: “They did it! This group of non-professional dancers has put on an incredibly professional and extremely touching dance performance, fully displaying the power of cherishing and giving love”. 

Endless love – Dancing for fatherless children





平日在家庭、工作、阿媽、媽媽、妻子、女兒、孫女等多角色中,燃燒自己照亮別人的一群偉大女性們,在6月6日舉辦的『2015星火相傳慈善舞展Never Ending Love』公益演出中,舞出亮麗的自己。

這一群女性,她們以22個舞碼,涵蓋肚皮舞、印度舞、爵士、流行MV、美式啦啦隊、現代舞...., 2小時半緊湊的精彩演出,在謝幕舞最後一個節奏聲中沸騰至最高點。指導的孫夢平老師說:「她們做到了! 不專業的舞者們,完成了一場專業的演出,並成就了滿滿的感動與懂得珍惜與付出的愛力量。」



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