
“1000 Rice Dumplings of Compassion” delivers love in Guolin

2015/06/24 11:39
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On the eve of Dragon Boat Festival, Dayuan District Elderly Fellowship Association raised the “1000 Rice Dumplings of Compassion – Delivering Love” activity. Not only did the event provide low-income families with dinner and deliver lunch to elderly people living alone, rice dumplings and red envelopes were also handed out – Chinese people traditionally put money in “lucky” red envelopes as a gift.

Moreover, as a special treat to the participating elderly people, delicious traditional ginger and brown sugar glutinous rice balls were also served up, and specialists were invited to give CPR instructions. Guolin’s Village Chief, Chen Xi-da (陳錫達) said that the main purpose of the rice-dumpling wrapping event, which is already in its sixth year, is to engage the help of local elderly people and volunteers in delivering steaming hot rice dumplings to underprivileged families and elderly people living alone.

Each year the event invites people from different villages, with different ethnicities, to come together and wrap dumplings. It is hoped that through such activities more people will be encouraged to get involved in the community and local care work.  

“1000 Rice Dumplings of Compassion” delivers love in Guolin



愛心包千粽 溫情傳送情 在菓林


104年桃園市大園區鄰長聯誼協會,在端午前夕舉辦「愛心包千粽 傳送情活動」,除了宴請 低收入戶、獨居老人中餐,還送紅包及愛心粽子,也特地精心為長輩們製作懷念的古早味「薑汁黑糖水麻糬」,並邀請專家教導民眾CPR等活動。菓林里里長陳錫達表示,綁粽子送愛心活動已是第六年,最主要目的是要藉著阿公阿媽與這些志工的手,把熱呼呼的粽子送給需要的清寒戶跟獨居老人,每年也都會邀不同村的人、不同的族群,大家一起來藉著拋磚引玉的活動,更希望能透過這活動,讓更多人投入做社區的關懷與照顧。  



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