
Searching For A Priceless Dream

2015/06/02 15:57
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With the firm belief that environmental conservation and life education are intimately related, Fu Yuan-Yang (傅元陽) and Ye Mei-Qing (葉美青), the two main people in charge at Hualien Habitat Conservation Society (花蓮縣棲地保育學會), decided to use butterflies as a fulcrum for the promotion of ecological conservation.

Finding a piece of land near Hualien’s Liyu Lake to act as a base for the park, the couple began growing myriad plants and raising butterflies. Taiwan has over 400 kinds of butterflies, 200 of which can be found in their eco park.

Originally a national Taekwando coach, Fu Yuan-Yang trained countless Olympic competitors including Chen Yi-An etc. However, he decided to relinquish this career and search for his dream in Hualien – helping people to focus more attention on environmental education.

Fu Yuan-Yang said that if everyone used a quantitative approach to evaluate what one can get from life, then who would care about the environment? In addition to Fu Yuan-Yang and Ye Mei-Qing, several local people are also involved in the eco park, all with their own rich and abundant life stories to share. 

Searching For A Priceless Dream



不為價值 追尋理想






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