
The Wandering Painters

2015/06/02 15:51
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Located in Chiayi’s Zhongpu Township, the local Shunping Temple in Shekou Village has 32 years of history and is an important center for religion in the area. However, leaks appeared on the temple roof following the devastation wrought by Typhoon Morakot (88 Flood) and the 921 Earthquake, and on March 28 restoration and painting work began on the temple.

Craftsmen from around the country have been commissioned to do the work, including Huang Wen-Jin (黃文進), Yan Kun-Xing (嚴崑興), Chen Zhen-Xiao (陳震霄) and celebrated painting master We-Song (吳松) – the work is expected to take around 6 months.

The temple’s restoration and refurbishment work is extremely complex, including plastering, the painting of murals and gilding etc. Each area requires a high degree of artistic skill and craftsmen often require over 10 years of experience before they can proficiently grasp the lines and colors of the murals. In addition, the historical scenes must be memorized by artists, allowing their trusty fingers to gracefully paint directly onto the walls, continuing hundreds of years of religious art in Taiwan. 

The Wandering Painters



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