
“A Beautiful Future” – An Exhibition of Two Generations

2015/05/27 13:46
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With a combined age of over 1000 years, a number of amateur artists from Fenglin Township in Hualien County have used pen, paper and clay to bring their life experiences alive in a one-off exhibition. Though their advanced years have robbed them of the ability to work, art has given them new direction and energized them with a new burst of vitality in their twilight years. 

When a syllabus designed by professor Lin Mei-Zhu (林美珠) from National Dong Hwa University’s Department of Counseling & Clinical Psychology allowed two generations to meet, four students from the department fell in love with the beautiful countryside stories. Taking advantage of vacations, the students visited Fenglin to interact with the elderly residents, collected artwork, and finally, raised an exhibition for them to present their lives. Professor Lin Mei-Zhu said: “Why would psychology students raise an art exhibition? I continually reminded them that they weren’t raising an art exhibition, but rather, a life-story exhibition. In the end, they really managed to bring this point into focus.” Made possible through the meeting of these elderly residents and students, the exhibition bears witness to the warmth generated by this meeting of two generations. 

“A Beautiful Future” – An Exhibition of Two Generations







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