
Labor Groups Protest YFY Following Death of Worker

2015/05/20 17:10
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In a show of solidarity, over 100 Taiwanese activists attended a press conference on May 14, where Taiwanese activist groups collectively criticized Yuen Foong Yu (YFY Group) and issued three demands: firstly, that the company takes responsibility for the death of Bae Jaey-eong (裴宰炯); secondly, that all dismissals and the factory closure are retracted; and thirdly, that the company takes responsibility for family members affected. 

Taiwan International Workers Association’s Chen Xiu-Lian (陳秀蓮) said that following repeated protests over malicious plant closures by Taiwan-funded enterprise Hydis Technologies, Bae Jaey-eong, deputy president of the Korean Metal Workers’ Union and former union leader of Hydis Technologies was discovered hanging in Mt. Seoraksan National Park, Gangwon Province, South Korea. 

Bae Jaey-eong felt compelled to take his own life following the revelation that Hydis Technologies was on the verge of filing civil and criminal lawsuits against the protesting workers to demand large compensation. He took his own life in order to raise public awareness and express his own protest over the immoral behavior of Hydis Technologies and Yuen Foong Yu.


勞團抗議永豐餘逼死勞工 砸蛋潑漆灑冥紙








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