
PeoPo “Your Shoot” witnesses transformation of Lao-Jie River

2015/04/28 10:48
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PeoPo “Your Shoot” witnesses transformation of Lao-Jie River 

On April 19, citizen journalists arrived at Lao-Jie River (老街溪) in Taoyuan’s Zhongli for the second PeoPo Citizen Journalism Platform “Your Shoot” event of 2015. Flowing through the four districts of Longtan (龍潭), Pingzhen (平鎮), Zhongli (中壢) and Dayuan (大園), Lao-Jie River is known as an important mother river in Southern Taoyuan. In 2011, the then county government implemented Lao-Jie River Renovation Project to address an ever-increasing pollution problem caused by development in the area. With the joint efforts of civic society and government, Lao-Jie River is once more an inviting green space attracting local residents. 

On the day, hundreds of Your Shoot friends and citizen journalists participated in the event and were given a guided tour of the area by volunteers. Participants also visited Lao-Jie River Education Center, the first center of its kind in Taiwan, which was opened in 2012. PeoPo citizen journalists recorded all the day’s happenings from start to finish, and have uploaded countless reports on Lao-Jie River. It is hoped that such reports will encourage people to place greater importance on issues of precious water resources and environmental protection. 



PeoPo踹拍 見證改變中的老街溪





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