
“Blade Economics” of new immigrants

2015/04/21 13:52
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PeoPo推 0

With many female Taiwanese tea pickers already retired from the industry, Taiwanese tea plantations are facing a major shortage of workers during the current spring-tea harvest season. Faced with the dilemma of worker shortages, tea plantations owners have been putting all their energy into finding new potential workers. Fortunately, many new immigrants are willing to enter the industry, allowing the culture of the Taiwanese tea industry to take on a new shape.  

Although tea with one bud and three leaves appears young and tender, in fact the stems on the leafy branches of tea plants are still generally rough, causing pain in the fingers of those picking tea over long periods of time. Therefore, tea pickers attach a small blade to their fingers in order to facilitate ease of picking. However, with a razor sharp blade attached to the fingers, it is easy to accidentally injure oneself.

Generally speaking, new immigrants get involved in tea picking because of financial pressure at home, and therefore tend to work particularly hard. From observations in the filming of this report, these new immigrants are developing picking techniques that are beginning to surpass that of their predecessors, and are gradually becoming a new force of labor in the Taiwanese tea industry. 

“Blade Economics” of new immigrants 



新住民的刀片經濟學 影音






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