
Nurturing the mother of Shalu – Nanshih River

2015/03/31 11:13
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PeoPo推 0


The low amount of rainfall caused by abnormal weather conditions from the second half of last year to March this year has resulted in many Taiwanese reservoirs drying up. However, located on the western side of Taichung’s Dadu Mountain (大肚山) lies a natural spring that helps to maintain the diverse natural ecology on the Nanshih River (南勢坑溪), a spot that is a popular leisure destination for local residents.

Unfortunately, not only has effluent discharged by upstream factories into Nanshih River polluted the once pristine water, government authorities have also removed riverbank bamboo groves, thereby damaging the natural piles of pebbles once lying along the riverbanks. To make matters worse, these have been replaced with concrete embankments along both banks, seriously damaging to river's natural appearance.

At a special forum organized by Taichung Wensun College, citizens and scholars were invited to discuss the future of Nanshih River and visited historical sites in the area, providing them with a closer look at the life of local people. In addition to strongly recommending the implementation of laws prohibiting the felling of wood, bamboo or any other activity that destroys the local environment, participants at the forum also called on the government to pay closer attention to the ecological treasure of Nanshih River. 


Nurturing the mother of Shalu – Nanshih River 







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