
Married couple with spinal injuries tour Taiwan

2015/03/31 11:09
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Married on September 12 last year, newlywed couple Yang Yun-hao (楊雲豪) and Fang-ling (方羚) both suffer from spinal injuries. At the time of their wedding, they decided it would be too inconvenient to get wedding photos taken; however, after encouragement from colleagues, the couple decided on challenging themselves to a round-island wheelchair tour, a journey that would not only help them break through their own physical barriers, but by taking pictures at scenic spots along the way, also allow them to realize their dream of having wedding photos.

Accompanied by colleagues Liang Bo-cheng (梁帛澄) and Xie Xue-wen (謝雪文), the four friends departed from Yangmei in Taoyuan on March 9, beginning their tour of Taiwan on wheelchairs and bicycles, a journey that is expected to take around 25 days. The group arrived in Kaohsiung on the evening of March 19, and the next day headed to Kaohsiung Pier 2 Art District (高雄市駁二藝術特區) where they took wedding photos. At 7:30 on the evening of the same day, enthusiastic friends helped them secure a venue for a small music concert located outside Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store (新光三越) in Kaohsiung Sanduo Shopping District (三多商圈). Sharing their thoughts after 12 days on the road, the concert attracted the enthusiastic support of many well-wishers who came along to cheer for them, creating an incredibly heartwarming scene.

Married couple with spinal injuries tour Taiwan








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