
Jiashan tutoring helps indigenous children study

2015/03/24 10:58
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PeoPo推 1

With indigenous children often facing a disadvantage in terms of educational resources, a long-term partnership between the Department of Social Welfare at National Chung Cheng University and Jiashan Presbyterian Church (嘉山教會) hopes to address the issue by offering after-school tutoring. Providing tutoring in English, math and other courses, the classes help children with everything from memorizing the multiplication times tables, to answering difficult math questions, allowing them to keep up with the pace at school.

From exercises in the pronunciation of simple vocabulary, to reading complete sentences, it was clear from the earnestness in the children’s eyes that they have an insatiable thirst for learning. Though every child has the right to an education in Taiwan, cities tend to be prioritized when it comes to allocating resources. According to 2013 Ministry of Education statistics regarding the total number of teachers, general areas had approximately ninety-nine thousand teachers compared with just five thousand three hundred teachers for areas populated with indigenous people. In view of the fact that indigenous children lack a diversified learning pipeline, it is hoped that more groups will get involved and more importance will be place on this issue.

Jiashan tutoring helps indigenous children study


嘉山課輔 幫助原住民學習





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