
In collision with the current education system– Seventh grade students’ alternative learning style

2015/03/10 16:48
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Rescued from the verge of collapse, Zhanghu Elementary and Junior High School of Ecology in Yunlin County is Taiwan’s first publicly financed and managed eco-school. No one imagined that the school’s foundation subsidence crisis triggered by the Morakot disaster would manifest into a golden opportunity.

With a pledge of financial support from Chang Yung-Fa Foundation (張榮發基金會), the school was relocated, reconstructed and given eco-school status by the county government, allowing the newly named Zhanghu Elementary and Junior High School of Ecology, Taiwan’s first public eco-school, to rise from the ashes into a relaxing center of learning. 

School president, Chen Qing-zhen (陳清圳) said that Zhanghu Elementary and Junior High School of Ecology is distinguished by its duel-track schooling system, using not only knowledge and logic, but also developing the capacity of students to think independently. An “Independent Travel” program implemented by the school has allowed a group of seventh, eighth and ninth grade students (13 to 15 years old), assisted by a small number of lower grade students (10 to 12 years old), to independently plan a travel program, after which the students shared experiences of their hometown heritage with classmates.

What’s more, this group of kids carried out their own fundraising activities and volunteered at Taoyuan’s The Carpenter's House Caring Center (木匠之家) – a center assisting handicapped people find work opportunities – in exchange for lodging. Through the “Independent Travel” program, the kids have witnessed a different kind of living, and gained rich life experiences.

In collision with the current education system– Seventh grade students’ alternative learning style









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