
Discovering the secret abode of an old Bishop wood

2015/03/05 16:06
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Tucked away in the low-lying mountains of Taitung are countless 300 to 400 year-old trees that have silently witnessed the vicissitudes of the area’s long history. Recently, with the help of a local resident, we were led to an old Bishop wood (Bischofia javanica) located beside a ravine around 300 meters just off the road from Fudong Highway. The fact that the area is carpeted in dense forest means that this old Bishop wood is difficult find and known only to a handful of people, and is perhaps the reason it has been spared the fate of being felled.

With a trunk free from injury and a glorious green crown, this old Bishop wood may well be the most luxuriant tree growing in Taitung County today. As this recently discovered Bishop wood is still not protected under law, it is recommended that Donghe Township Office immediately files an application to secure protection status for the tree, and avoid it being illegally logged.

Discovering the secret abode of an old Bishop wood

URL: http://www.peopo.org/news/268561 








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