
Dogs of the water!

2015/02/16 11:55
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CJ dino.utopia recently reported on kindhearted 65-year-old mother Wang Shen-jin (王沈金), who tirelessly carries fresh water and dog food to Yanshui River in the outskirts of Tainan’s Annan District each day. 

After signaling her arrival by pressing her motorcycle horn, hordes of stray dogs suddenly emerge from the shallow river nearby. Afraid of being caught by dogcatchers employed by local authorities, the dogs spend most of their time hiding in the shallow river, never quite sure where their next meal will come from.

Unable to bear the pain of seeing the dogs go hungry, each day Wang Shen-jin delivers dog food and clean water to them, as well as taking any injured or sick dogs for medical treatment. Wang Shen-jin often worries about who will feed the dogs should something untoward happen to her. Member of Tainan Animal Rescue Association (台南市流浪動物研究協會), Xu Man-hui (徐滿惠) said that although stray dogs in the area originally numbered around 300, a government culling policy has reduced their numbers to around 100. Most of the remaining dogs have been neutered, are afraid of humans, and show no sign of any aggressive behavior. Shamefully, though, some dog owners still come to abandon their four-legged friends in the area. 


Dogs of the water!








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