
Ecological disaster in Miaoli – Hakka Compound becomes bullfrog compound

2015/02/16 11:51
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PeoPo推 1

On the 5th of May 2011, Miaoli County Government’s website announced news that it had released native frogs into the environment. However, from the accompanying video footage, it became clear that the frogs were none other that the invasive foreign American bullfrog species, igniting a wave of controversy.

The government press release stated that a species of native frog had been released into the ecological pond adjacent to Miaoli County Government’s tourist service center, as well as in the three ecological ponds around The Hakka Compound (銅鑼客家大院). However, it quickly emerged that the government had in fact released 700 catties of American bullfrog, an invasive foreign species known as T-rex in frog circles. Miaoli Biological Society chairman Hung Wei-feng (洪維鋒) said that sized bigger than the palm of the average adult person, and including small frogs and fish within its food sources, the American bullfrog has the capacity to eat everything in an entire pond to extinction, creating an ecological catastrophe.

On arrival at The Hakka Compound, CJ Jerry (傑利) saw a few pairs of American bullfrogs mating in the pond, raising his fears that thousands of small bullfrogs would soon be born. Often living in excess of 10 years, American bullfrogs have a life span longer than that of most other frog species, and can lay more than 30,000 eggs at a time. Furthermore, due to The Hakka Compound’s drainage system, during the rainy season or typhoon season, bullfrogs could easily find their way into Holung River, raising the potential for an ecological disaster no less catastrophic than that inflicted by the giant Amazon snail (Ampullaria gigas spix).

In addition to calling on the authorities to deal with the situation immediately, the CJ wishes to emphasis that by simply creating a good frog habitat, native frogs will naturally colonize, reproduce and maintain the native frog population – surely a more appropriate method to employ in terms of both the environment and biodiversity.

Ecological disaster in Miaoli – Hakka Compound becomes bullfrog compound


苗栗生態浩刧 客家大院變牛蛙大院








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