
Wang-feng shares his story of stray dogs – exclusive cockpit report

2015/02/16 11:30
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CJ Zhou (周老爹) is a retired pilot who formerly worked for China Airlines. While working for the company he inadvertently became acquainted with the touching story of his co-pilot Wang-feng, a man who has spent NT$1 million (US$30,000) on rescuing stray dogs. Zhou recently decided to conduct an interview with Wang-feng and find out all the details of his incredible story. 

Meeting in the cockpit during a post-flight break period, Wang-feng questioned the success of Taiwan’s wildlife conservation policy, which has spent NT$50 billion of taxpayers’ hard-earned money since 1998. The policy has killed more than 1 million stray animals and dogs, and any animal that is caught and sent to an animal shelter has just 12 days before being euthanized. Unable to bear the repeated loss of so many precious lives, Wang-feng began digging into his own pocket to provide medical treatment for the unclaimed strays, while thinking of ways to find suitable homes for them.  

Wang-feng has been rescuing stray dogs for over 40 years and estimates that in the 22-month period from August 2010 to May 2012, he spent around NT$1 million (US$30,000) rescuing animals. He emphasized that money spent can be earned again, but that due to a policy of euthanizing dogs after a set 12-day period, the dogs literally have no time to wait. 

High-earner Wang-feng has been willing to sacrifice his own material comforts and live a life of frugality in order to rescue dogs. Along the way, he has witnessed the brighter side of human nature, met many kind-hearted people who have been willing to lend a helping hand, and made many new canine and human friends. Wang-feng’s journey has left him with a deep sense of gratitude for a life full of abundance.

Wang-feng shares his story of stray dogs – exclusive cockpit report


王丰說流浪狗的故事 駕駛艙獨家報導 








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