
Helping the kids to fly

2015/02/11 14:17
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Producing quality bread in the Chiayi area, “Cloud Bakery” was mainly created to accommodate students from National MinShyong Senior Vocational of Agriculture & Industry School and children with developmental delays from Chiayi special education schools. Four such students are responsible for the manufacture of a variety of baked products including European breads, toast, pastries, bagels and hamburger buns.

The proprietor said that the majority of bread on the market today is made soft through the addition of butter, and that most chefs strongly emphasize this point when teaching bread making to students. In addition to making the bread soft, adding a large portion of butter also makes the bread fragrant. However, breads made in this manner are a poor substitute for the fine handcrafted ones made by the children at Cloud Bakery, which possess a rich crumb and delicious crust. Head of Special Education at National MinShyong Senior Vocational of Agriculture & Industry School, Liu Jia-yi (劉嘉怡), wished to extend her gratitude to the proprietor for all their assistance and help in providing an opportunity for students to access the workplace and engage in enriching human interactions.

Helping the kids to fly



樂檸‧帶著天使飛 影音






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