
Escorting the elderly with their shopping to ensure a joyous Chinese New Year

2015/02/11 14:14
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At a recent event raised by the Longtan District Office of HONDAO Senior Citizens’ Welfare Foundation (弘道老人福利基金會), local businesses and substitute civilian servicemen were invited to escort the elderly on their shopping rounds. Head of Longtan’s HONDAO, Zheng Zhao-jun (鄭昭君), expressed her thanks to all the entrepreneurs for bringing their children to the event and thereby providing them with an opportunity to interact with the elderly. She likewise thanked Taoyuan’s substitute civilian servicemen for helping the elderly with their shopping and providing warmhearted care throughout the day.

Participating employees from businesses as well as the substitute civilian servicemen expressed their thanks for being given the opportunity to take part in the event and spend time with the elderly. They hope that similar events will continue to be held in the future, allowing everyone to make a contribution to society.

Escorting the elderly with their shopping to ensure a joyous Chinese New Year







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