
NAFR blames system for the deaths of 19 firefighters over last two years

2015/02/11 13:59
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On February 4, following a blaze that claimed the lives of six firefighters in Taoyuan, the National Association for Firefighters’ Rights (NAFR) protested outside the Ministry of the Interior in Taipei. NAFR secretary-general Cheng Ya-lin (鄭雅菱) said that although fires had decreased over the last two years, casualties of firefighters over the same period had increased. Cheng added that “the system, not fires” was to blame for the 19 deaths. 

Cheng demanded that the National Fire Agency (消防署) puts forward plans to safeguard the lives of firefighters, including the implementation of a more comprehensive system in the areas of manpower and equipment. Cheng added that donations would not resolve the problem, and that the Ministry of the Interior must not only ensure the National Fire Agency allocates a sufficient budget and establishes a comprehensive set of legal stipulations for firefighters, but also that it requests a commitment from senior officials in cities and counties around the country to three main areas: strengthening firefighting manpower; improving fire rescue equipment; and reviewing standard operating procedures. 

Sadly, of the 22 regions in Taiwan, only 5 replied with a promise of their commitment to the three main areas; these included Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦), Changhua County Commissioner Wei Ming-ku (魏明谷), Yunlin County Commissioner Li Chin-yung (李進勇), Hualien County Commissioner Fu Kun-chi (傅崑萁) and Penghu County Commissioner Chen Guang-fu (陳光復). 

NAFR president Yang Shih-wei (楊適瑋) said the deaths of 19 firefighters indicated insufficient manpower and equipment, as well as many flaws in the system. With painted bloodstained sheets draped over their bodies, supporters of NAFR formed themselves into the Chinese characters for “man-made disaster” outside the Legislative Yuan, while shouting "the system is killing firefighters, authorities provide immediate reforms" and other demands.

NAFR blames system for the deaths of 19 firefighters over last two years 



2年19消防員殉職 消防員工作權益促進會批:制度殺人





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