
1000 CAL employees hold “hardship” year-end dinner party amid shrinking bonuses

2015/02/05 11:40
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In spite of the fact that China Airlines (CAL) netted an annual revenue of NT$149.8 billion in 2014 – the second-highest in the company’s history – year-end bonuses dropped to below that of last year. As a result this anomaly, on the 22nd of January nearly a thousand airline employees staged a protest in front of CAL’s Taipei branch office, where a "hardship" year-end dinner party was held to highlight CAL’s paradoxical “high revenue, low bonus” stance. Attending the gathering to express solidarity with workers, Lai Hsiang-ling (賴香伶), Director of Taipei City Department of Labor (台北市勞工局), said that if it is necessary for New Taipei City and Taoyuan City to conduct joint labor inspections, "…then we will do just that and work together."

CAL intends to give its employees a flat year-end bonus of NT$20,000, in addition to NT$15,000 from the Employees' Welfare Committee and a NT$10,000 Chinese New Year gift – adding up to a total year-end bonus of NT$45,000. The Third Branch of China Airlines Employees’ Union said that welfare benefits should not be calculated into the year-end bonus, and pointed out that the Chinese New Year gift is a fixed annual payment; in reality, CAL is only paying out a NT$20,000 year-end bonus. In addition to providing sticky rice and various other foods at the protest, in a lottery draw aimed at mocking CAL, prizes included: iodine solution; pain patches; hair pluckers; Red-Bull-style energy drinks, and ''FUCK'' T-shirts. Countless years of unreasonable incentives and regulations have resulted in a poor working environment for CAL employees.

1000 CAL employees hold “hardship” year-end dinner party amid shrinking bonuses 


年終獎金大縮水 千名華航員工辦「憐荒」尾牙





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