
Uncle Tu - The happy volunteer

2015/02/05 11:37
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Known as Uncle Tu to friends, 62-year-old Tu Shui-tian (涂水田) was forced to have his leg amputated after an accident when he was just 12 years old. After doing a variety of jobs over the years, including selling red bean cakes and working in a factory, Tu Shui-tian and his disabled wife currently do subcontract work from home.  

Two years ago, Tu Shui-tian began volunteering at a home delivery service that provides meals to 20 elderly and disabled people in the area. Come rain or shine, he rides his motorcycle more than 40 kilometers back and forth each day, never forgetting to spend a few minutes chitchatting with his clients.

Treating all of his elderly clients like part of his own family, Tu Shui-tian said: “Although the job doesn’t earn me any money, it earns me a great deal of happiness.” Tu Shui-tian’s self-sacrificing nature in the face of his own disability, together with his enthusiastic dedication, has touched the hearts of many people and inspired a great deal of elderly people living alone.

Uncle Tu - The happy volunteer 





62 歲的涂水田阿伯,12歲時發生意外,右腳截肢,也曾從事賣紅豆餅、工廠作業員,目前和也是行動不便的太太,在家從事家庭代工。





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