
Stray dogs’ next meal

2015/02/04 17:23
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PeoPo推 1

On January 24, “Doggy Dog Charity Market (浪浪愛心拍賣市集)” raised an event in a Kaohsiung café. An enthusiastic crowd of shoppers packed the event, which attracted a total of eight sellers displaying a varied mix of second-hand and completely new goods. A large proportion of the proceeds from the charity event will be donated to “Ke Mama’s Dog Park (柯阿嬤狗園)” in Renwu District, which strives to provide food for stray animals.

Doggy Dog Charity Market was inadvertently started by two shopaholic girls after they found themselves needing to dispose of items from a house clear out. They decided to sell the goods in a flea market style event, donating half of the proceeds to dog charities. Following this privately raised sale, a great many friends asked if they could also participate, and a fixed charity event slowly evolved. In the seven months following its inception in June 2014, Doggy Dog Charity Market has already held 26 events. To date, events have been held in the north and south of the country, with events in central regions coming soon. 

Stray dogs’ next meal






浪浪愛心拍賣市集原本只是兩個愛敗家的女生,想出清家裡不要的東西,想說順便將所得一半捐給浪浪(流浪狗),結果第一場私人舉辦完之後,許多朋友在問可 不可以參加,就慢慢演變成固定活動,從2014年6月成立至今七個月,至今已經舉辦26場拍賣活動,目前市集在北部及南部兩地舉辦,中部還在規劃當中。



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