
Distressed CAL employee shaves hair over company flight bans

2015/02/04 17:19
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On the evening of January 22, the Third Branch of China Airlines Employees’ Union (華航三分會) held a "hardship" year-end dinner party which unexpectedly led to the suspension of 4 CAL flight attendants and 1 pilot. On January 29, labor union members marched on CAL’s Taipei branch office with chants of “Lawless CAL suppresses labor unions.” Shaving his head in protest, suspended flight attendant Zhang Shu-yuan (張書元) joined the protest, as did former CAL pilot Zhou Zong-wei (卓棕偉), who was dismissed from the company two years ago. Zhou Zong-wei walked with a raised black umbrella, symbolizing CAL’s dark and lawless nature. 

The 4 CAL flight attendants and 1 pilot were suspended for a "lack of patience, lack of discipline,” and “ lack of coolness," which CAL said rendered them incapable of adequately serving passengers. Among the four employees, one was formerly bestowed with a model worker award, and one served as flight attendant to President Ma Ying-jeou on his trip to Haiti for disaster relief.

The labor unions of Hong Kong's Cathay Pacific (香港國泰), Dragonair (港龍), British Airways (英國航空) and Jardine Aviation (怡中航空) issued a joint statement calling on China Airlines to immediately reinstate union members. In addition, overseas students launched a petition campaign, saying that until CAL revokes “suspensions”, “dismissals” and any other “improper action,” they will refuse from taking any CAL flights. Moreover, there are currently 1.4 million people participating in a “Boycott China Airlines” Facebook activity.

Distressed CAL employee shaves hair over company flight bans  


停飛刁難 華航空服員落髮抗議







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