
High rate of lost hospital breastfeeding clothes raises call to treasure public resources

2015/01/13 10:46
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PeoPo推 1

A 2014 statistical report from Mennonite Christian Hospital revealed that a high percentage of fabric items had gone missing from within the hospital. Missing items included: fleece quilts; bed sheets; pillowcases; incontinence mattresses and breastfeeding clothes. In general, missing items averaged around 20%, but for breastfeeding clothes the figure was much higher at 80%. The figures aroused mixed feelings from within Mennonite Christian Hospital, as the loss of breastfeeding clothes indicates an increase in the practice of breastfeeding, which is extremely beneficial for infants. Conversely, the loss of such items not only causes inconvenience to subsequent patients, it also forces Mennonite Christian Hospital to annually spend additional funds on the purchase of replacements, further burdening the hospital’s financial resources.

Chief nurse at the supplies department of Mennonite Christian Hospital said that 100% cotton breastfeeding clothes are extremely comfortable and provide a great deal of convenience to mothers during the postnatal period. With the direct aim of benefiting both mother and child, Mennonite Christian Hospital intends to continue providing breastfeeding clothes, though it asks for the return of such items after use, thereby ensuring availability for subsequent patients in need.  


High rate of lost hospital breastfeeding clothes raises call to treasure public resources



醫院哺乳衣遺失率居冠 共籲珍惜公共資源





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