
Lost Paradise of Animals

2015/01/06 14:24
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With the aim of tearing down the walls of discrimination and voicing out on behalf of voiceless creatures, many people recently participated in a press conference for the documentary Lost Paradise of Animals at Taipei’s ‘Huashan 1914 Creative Park’, held by Taiwan Animal Equality Association. Attracting the enthusiastic participation of writers, directors, parents, children, teachers and students, the event hall was filled to between eighty and ninety percent capacity. Secretariat director of Taiwan Animal Equality Association, Lin Yi-shan (林憶珊) said that animals should live in their original environments with their own families and friends, and not be confined to captivity where they are ogled and played with by members of the public; this, she said, is the most basic level of respect for life. 

Through a variety of ways, including the filming of this documentary, Taiwan Animal Equality Association has campaigned to help people understand the psychological effect on animals involved in so-called animal entertainment, shows and performances, as well as the effect of being prodded and ridden on. The group believes that all animals are sentient beings and should be treated equally. 

Lost Paradise of Animals
URL: https://www.peopo.org/news/264249 








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