
“Everybody’s Fashion” – Love of clothes helps the aged

2014/12/30 14:37
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Huashan Social Welfare Foundation (華山基金會) has been providing first-rate residential care to the elderly for many years. However, with a substantial shortfall in next year’s funds, the social welfare organization UP Family stepped in to raise a special second-hand clothes charity event called “Everybody’s Fashion" in mid-December. 

Already in its ninth year, UP Family runs charity clothes events with the help of 20 volunteer members who sort and classify items of clothing donated by members of the public. All money raised from the sale of items at this December’s event was donated to Huashan Social Welfare Foundation, helping to meet next year’s service costs for vulnerable elderly people living alone. Items sold at the charity event included: clothing from international and domestic designers; brand-name goods; clothing that was nearly new or still had the price tag intact; and high-heel shoes. 

This year saw some generous donations, including a total of 30 outfits from fashion designers – each with a market value in excess of NT$10,000 – and 710 items of clothing donated from a lady called Miss Huang. Citizens were invited to come and share their goodwill by purchasing some of the 4800 items of clothing donated to this year’s charity event, each selling at just 10% of its market value.  

“Everybody’s Fashion” – Love of clothes helps the aged










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