Carefully Selected Yunlin Farm Produce– welfare organization launches brand to increase income sources
Caring for local adults with mental disorders, Yunlin County Mental and Physical Care Association (雲林縣身心照護協會) supports the establishment of various vocational skills through training services. Though the association relies on government subsidies, it also looks to create new windows of revenue from OEM work. However, with diminishing OEM work opportunities over recent years, the association began searching for new ways to create sources of income, and developed Taiwan's unique "LOHAS Carefully Selected Yunlin Farm Produce” brand, which sells exclusive merchandise from nationwide welfare shelters.
Welfare shelter merchandise sold under the brand name does not compete for business with local farmers or stores, as it is based on doing OEM work. By training association members in farm skills, they can also help nearby farmers with harvesting or laboring in exchange for agricultural products.
Carefully Selected Yunlin Farm Produce– welfare organization launches brand to increase income sources
嚴選雲林農產 社福團體創品牌開財源