Toilet-style replica replaces Yingge’s demolished ancient “Mantou Kiln”
In January 2013, without any warning the chimney structure of Yingge’s Xu Family Tile Kiln (許家瓦窯) was torn down by a construction company. In addition to destroying the chimney, the rear part of the kiln’s structure also suffered considerable damage. At the start of this year, under the coordination of the Department of Cultural Affairs, a construction company began building a replica of the original Mantou Kiln at the rear of Yingge Ceramics Park.
However, as building work on the replica kiln neared completion and locals discovered that it lacked a chimney, it was clear the original flavor of the Mantou Kiln had been lost. Local people believe that this chimney was a symbol of the spirit of early wood-burning kilns in Yingge and an important local landmark; therefore, with the body of the replica kiln missing a chimney, it completely failed to capture the beauty of the original.
Local residents concerned about the reconstruction of the original kiln launched “Return Yingge’s Ancient Kiln” on Facebook. Through this activity they hope to raise awareness about the issue and force New Taipei City authorities to take prompt measures in remedying the situation.
Toilet-style replica replaces Yingge’s demolished ancient “Mantou Kiln”