
Survival crisis of Styan's bulbul

2014/12/09 17:36
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PeoPo推 2

Styan's bulbul is endemic to Taiwan and only distributed in Hualien, Taitung, Pingtung and southern regions. Although relatively common in regions around Taitung, due to the overlapping nature of habitats like Hualien’s Tienhsiang (天祥) with Pingtung’s Fangshan (枋山) and Fenggang (楓港) etc., coupled with the suspected release of light-vented bulbul into Styan's bulbul habitat by animal liberationists in religious groups, a hybrid bird phenomenon has emerged. As a result of the situation, Styan's bulbul is now being protected under the endangered species classification ‘Other Conservation-Deserving Wildlife.’  

Styan's bulbul is regarded as an emblem of Taitung and also of Taitung Wild Bird Society. Unfortunately, in spite of the fact it faces no less of a threat than that of other protected species of wildlife, owing to its fairly extensive distribution it has failed to receive the same kind of concern. Styan's bulbul is one of the main bird species that all visiting bird enthusiasts from around the globe come to see in Taitung.

Found in low-altitude habitat regions all over Taitung, large and lively flocks of Styan's bulbul are frequently seen and heard in the vicinity of public parks close to residential areas, as well as in broad-leaved forests. On account of the fact that Styan's bulbul is found in places where people regularly visit, human behavior has a huge impact the bird. 

Survival crisis of Styan's bulbul


台灣特有種烏頭翁 的生存危機







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