
Using election banners to make rucksacks

2014/12/09 17:25
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 Xinyi Elementary School, Xue Hui-ling (薛惠玲), had an inspirational idea. She requested the help of her friends around the country to collect election banners before calling on mothers to assist in making eco-rucksacks complete with a pencil pouch, which were given to children in rural areas. 

Director of teaching at Xinyi Elementary School, Yang Shi-cheng (楊世承), said that learning resources for kids at schools in rural areas like Xinyi school were more constrained than for kids in urban areas and that concern for such children was the underlying motivation behind the activity. In the process of interacting with volunteering mothers during the activity, the children not only learned about caring and gratitude, the activity also accorded with the theme of energy-saving and carbon reduction.

Director Yang further mentioned that in the process of choosing banners to make the rucksacks, the children were unconcerned with electoral parties or which candidates got elected, and made choices purely based on their preference for color and design. The activity was clearly a great way to cultivate and strengthen civic awareness.

Using election banners to make rucksacks 



選舉旗幟再利用 做成背包「袋」著走






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