Meiliwan Case reaches 10 years – civic groups call on Taitung County Government to stop appeal and for electoral candidates to reveal position
The case of Meiliwan Resort Hotel (美麗灣渡假村) has attracted nationwide attention over the years, and on the 28th of last month Taitung County Government lost its third hearing at the high court. At a press conference adjacent to Meiliwan Resort Hotel in Shanyuan Bay (杉原灣), event organizers Anti-Movement Alliance ( 反反反行動聯盟) said that Meiliwan had repeatedly lost its court appeals and that the county government should refrain from further pursuing the judicial process.
With the hope of hearing how the government intends to deal with the aftermath of the Meiliwan Resort Hotel problem, the alliance also prepared questions for the two electoral candidates standing for the position of county commissioner.
Meiliwan Case reaches 10 years – civic groups call on Taitung County Government to stop appeal and for electoral candidates to reveal position
引發全台關注的美麗灣度假村開發案,上月28日台東縣府三度被高院判決敗訴後, 21日反反反行動聯盟在杉原灣美麗灣度假村旁舉行記者會表示,美麗灣開發案一再敗訴,呼籲縣政府停止上訴,另外反反反行動聯盟也準備將公民提問交給兩位縣長候選人,希望他們能公開倘若勝選後將如何面對及處置美麗灣度假村的善後問題。