Saving Taichung’s Takeshi tree
Flanked by emerald green paddy fields and close to an ecological stream with stone embankment, this centenarian banyan tree in Taichung’s Nantun District is overflowing with life and shows great resemblance to Taitung’s Takeshi tree. Unfortunately, positioned on the route of Taiwan’s high-speed rail development zone, in spite of the tree’s history, culture and ecology, its very survival is being threatened.
By contrast, at only 20 meters distance from the old banyan tree, the adjacent Liucuo River (劉厝溪) has already been granted Cultural Landscape protection status. Although the city government has yet to make a formal announcement, local civic groups fighting to save the tree remain extremely worried about its fate.
Saving Taichung’s Takeshi tree
茂密的樹冠看起來生機盎然, 周遭擁有翠綠的稻田、生態溪流以及石駁崁,集歷史、人文、生態於一身, 這一棵位在台中市南屯區的百年青榕樹,外表和台東的金城武樹很像,但因為這棵樹已經被劃入高鐵開發區,可能面臨剷除的命運,民間團體發起護樹行動。市府至今仍未公告,一旁的劉厝溪已經被劃作文化景觀保護,只差20公尺的老青榕樹卻可能被剷除,讓當地居民很擔心。